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Virgin Care’s settlement with Surrey CCGs | Letter

10/29/2019 Letters 0

Stuart Rennison-Price, Virgin Care’s chief operating officer, responds to a recent article about NHS cutsPolly Toynbee writes that we at Virgin Care sued the NHS when we were “denied the chance to tender for profitable contracts” (These brutal cuts to …

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Taking our country back to give it to Trump | Letter

06/04/2019 Letters 0

Guardian readers respond to Trump’s state visitDecades ago a medical consultant told me he had been at a dinner with a (then) Tory party grandee. No doubt after his tongue had been loosened by imbibing, the grandee told my friend that: “We are going to…

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NHS underfunding is deliberate strategy | Letters

05/31/2019 Letters 0

The time has come for the English to demand our birthright, access to a universal, comprehensive, local health service, writes Christine Hyde. And Bob Epton reflects on money well spentI am greatly saddened to read of the distress caused to a woman wit…

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Private care homes are a failed model | Letter

03/18/2019 Letters 0

An overstretched NHS is being forced to pick up the pieces when private care homes go bust, writes Gillian DalleyOne hundred care home operators are reported as going out of business last year, and over 400 in the past five years (Collapse of care home…

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Risks of privatising NHS scanner service | Letters

03/14/2019 Letters 0

Concerns over the privatisation of cancer scanning services at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford are raised by Rosie Herring and Anita HighamWe are writing as elected public governors of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, to clarify some …